FIREFIGHTERS in mid and west Wales have pledged to end male violence against women.

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service has become White Ribbon Accredited.

The accreditation from White Ribbon UK – the leading charity engaging men and boys to prevent violence against women and girls – acknowledges the fire service’s stand to end all male violence against women and girls.

By being ambassadors, the fire service aim to raise awareness and challenge the problematic behaviours, gender stereotypes and inequalities that can create a culture of fear and lead to violence.

Jay Crouch, the fire service’s safeguarding lead and firesetter intervention officer, said: “At MAWWFRS we have many positive male role models. We are committed to #MakingTheChange by challenging and educating our workforce and communities we serve to end violence against women and girls.”

The service will be appointing more volunteer ambassadors to carry the message out to more men and continue to raise awareness within the local community.